Shabaz Badshah

Shabaz Badshah

Product Manager

I'm a Product Manager who develops Fullstack web experiences during his downtime. This site catalogs things I learn, find interesting, want to share, or anything cool I'm creating.

I'm currently working on Syftable

A competitor monitoring tools for Product Managers that streamlines gathering news and updates within their industries

Is it currently just a glorified RSS reader? Yeah...yeah it is. But not for long 🚀

Weekly Syftable Update

October 2022

I finished the final landing page for the site. I'm going to be using it to gauge interest in the product and as a place where visitors can get more info. Currently, I'm adding support for user accounts

Check it out here   👀

Pinned Posts


FOSS Alternatives to Popular Products

Free and open source (FOSS) alternatives to products that focus on maintaining your privacy while providing similar functionality as their closed source counterparts

Aug 2, 2020  â€¢  1 min read

All Posts

My Personal Website V2

This is the second iteration of my website. I streamlined the appearance significantly and removed some redundent aspects from the previous version. This site was done completely in CSS, HTML, jQuery, and Jekyll to ultimately keep it very simple.

Apr 22, 2018  â€¢  1 min read

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My Personal Website V1

This is the first iteration of my website. For years I wanted my own little place people could visit. A location, where I could showcase my work to the world. This was my first attempt at creating anything of subtance on my own.

May 1, 2017  â€¢  8 min read

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A Tetris Remake

This was the second Java game I ever made. My objective for this game was to create it in as little time as possible (at most 5 days) with a unique implementation.

Jun 3, 2015  â€¢  3 min read

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A Space Invaders Remake

This was the first video game I ever created. It is a infinite horde space shooter that heavily based off of Space Invaders. The objective in the game is to eliminate all enemy spaceships before you die. This game was created purely in Java.

Jun 3, 2014  â€¢  2 min read

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